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ECON 221 Introduction to International Economics

Textbook: R. C. Feenstra & A. M. Taylor, "International Economics" F. 2017, Sp. 2018, F. 2018, Sp. 2019, F. 2019, Sp. 2020, F. 2021, Sp. 2022



ECON 421 Multinational Corporations

Textbook: K. Head, "Elements of Multinational Strategy" SP. 2019, F. 2019, F. 2021, F. 2022



ECON 119 Principles of Economics

G. N. Mankiw, "Principles of Economics"

F. 2018, Sp. 2022, F. 2022




Student Comments

Independent Graduate Student Instructor

EC 313 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory

Textbook: N. G. Mankiw, "Macroeconomics"

Summer 2014, Spring 2015



EC 380 International Economic Issues

Textbook: S. Husted & M. Melvin, "International Economics"

Fall 2015, Winter 2016, Summer 2016



EC 461 Industrial Organization & Public Policy

Textbook: W. K. Viscusi, J. E. Harrington, & J. M. Vernon, "Economics of Regulation and Antitrust"

Fall 2016 (In Progress)



"I think this class was very well-run. I believe Felix was engaging and conveyed very complex graduate level material in a way suitable for undergraduates, without really cutting any corners and necessarily making it "easier." I genuinely feel as though my understanding of trade and FDI has expanded tremendously. In all honesty, this is one of the classes I've taken at Macalester where I feel I've learned the most. Although this is my last economics course at Macalester, I think there was no better class I could have taken to culminate my studies. I would certainly recommend this course to any senior in the coming years."


        - EC 421: Multinational Corporations, Fall 2021


'I absolutely loved this class. Professor Friedt made it such a fantastic learning environment and communicated very effectively to me and my learning preferences, from what I've discussed with classmates, this is true across the board. In the future I will certainly recommend this class because of how engaging and well-taught it was. I learned a lot about international economics and both micro and macro scales, but also learned a lot and how engaging economics can be."


        - EC 221: Intro to Int'l Economics, Fall 2021


"Felix is clearly very passionate about what he teaches. That passion motivates me to work hard in his class and strive for success. He was also attentive to our needs as a class and made sure he was doing everything he could to foster our success."


        - EC 221: Intro to Int'l Economics, Fall 2019


"The professor strongly encouraged participation; he always stopped to ask if we had questions, asked us to present papers to the class, and gave us sufficient time and information to feel empowered to participate in discussions and pose any questions or concerns that we had."


        - EC 494: Intro to Int'l Economics, Fall 2019


"Felix is by far my favorite economics professor. He is extremely smart and explains the content in many different ways. Also, he connects the content to real world events and applications so that we learn how important the material is and why it is so interesting. I am disappointed that I will only have one more year to take a course from him. He is the reason why I am searching for internships related to international business and finance."


        - EC 221: Intro to Int'l Economics, Fall 2018


"Professor Friedt has taught me a lot, and has made me want to become an econ major. Although this class is very difficult, and he prides himself on it, most of the material is very interesting. He teaches the material well and his lectures and test are fair if you know the material exceptionally well. […]"


        - EC 221: Intro to Int'l Economics, Fall 2018


"He is constantly looking to improve his teaching and is working toward being more inclusive of female and minority students. He is supportive, kind, and passionate."


         - EC 119: Principles of Economics, Fall 2018


"Felix is a great instructor. His presence encourages class attendance. In lecture he speaks clearly and is organized. He is patient when answering questions. He is clearly passionate about his students' learning. He takes notice if many people in the class struggle with a concept. Feedback and criticism are well-received and worked on. He is also just a charismatic and respectable person."


          - EC 380: International Economic Issues, Winter 2016


"He was very clear in his instructions and in the way he explained ideas and concepts. He offered multiple view points and left us to form our own opinions. He always encourages participation and questions and made sure to answer all questions before moving onto the next subject. He asked the class how he could improve the course and he took our opinions into consideration and acted upon them. I really enjoyed this class thanks to him."


          - EC 380: International Economic Issues, Winter 2016

© 2018 by Felix L. Friedt

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