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Published Peer-Reviewed Work
Friedt, Felix L. “Ports, Trade, Employment, and Local Factor Prices: Empirical Evidence based on Disaster-induced Rerouting of International Trade.” Forthcoming. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy. 11/9/2022.  (Working Paper Version)
"Natural Disasters, FDI and Intra-National Spillovers: Evidence from India" (with Aidan Toner-Rodgers*). Journal of Development Economics. (Working Paper Version)
“The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on New York City Real Estate: First Evidence.” (with Jeffrey P. Cohen & Jackson Lautier). Journal of Regional Science. (Working Paper Version)
Friedt, Felix L. “Ports, Trade, Employment, and Local Factor Prices: An Urban Equilibrium Theory.” Journal of Transport Economics and Policy. 56.4 (2022): 381-398. (Working Paper Version)
"Perception vs. Reality: The Noise Complaint Effect on Home Values." (with Jeff Cohen). Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 100. 2021. (Working Paper Version)
"The Far Reach of Hurricane Maria: Evidence from U.S. Pharmaceutical Sectors and Other Exposed Industries." (with Abigail Crispin*). Economics of Disasters and Climate Change. October 2021.  (Working Paper Version)
“Valuation of Noise Pollution and Abatement Policy: Evidence from the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport.” (with Jeffrey P. Cohen). Land Economics. 97.1 (2021): 107-136. (Working Paper Version)
"Natural Disasters, Aggregate Trade Resilience and Local Disruptions: Evidence from Hurricane Katrina." Review of International Economics. 29.5 (2021): 1081-1120. (Working Paper Version)
ONLINE APPENDIX: Port-to-Port Distance Data
“The Economic Impact of Seaport and Other Infrastructure Investment and Leakages: A Literature Review.” (with Wesley W. Wilson). Journal of Transport Economics and Policy. 54.4 (2020): 219-243. (Working Paper Version)
ONLINE APPENDIX to: “The Economic Impact of Seaport and Other Infrastructure Investment and Leakages: A Literature Review.”
"Trade, Transportation and Trade Imbalances: An Empirical Examination of International Markets and Backhauls." (with Wesley W. Wilson). Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, 53.2 (2020): 592-636. (Working Paper Version)
Other Published Work:
“The triple effect of Covid-19 on Chinese exports: Frist evidence of the export supply, import demand and GVC contagion effects” (with Kaichong Zhang*) Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers. 53 (2020): 72-109. (Working Paper Version)
News Coverage: VoxEU, VoxEU
Under Review
"Revealed and Stated Preference Modeling of Transportation Demand: A Control Function Approach." (with Wesley W. Wilson) Under Review. 11/9/2022. (Working Paper Version)
Work in Progress
“The triple effect of Covid-19 on Chinese exports: Frist evidence of the export supply, import demand and GVC contagion effects” (with Kaichong Zhang*). (Working Paper Version)
"Port City Exports and Employment Growth: An IV Approach to Quantify Local Trade Effects."
       Plagued by the endogenous, joint determination of local economic growth, capital expenditure, and trade the previous literature has produced a controversial set of estimates concerning the effects of infrastructure investment and exports on the regional economy. In this study, we combine the instrumental variables (IV) and inconsequential unit approaches to identify the causal effect of local sea- and airborne exports on port cities’ economic development. Leveraging exogenous (inconsequential) variation in out-of-state export origins and destinations to instrument for in-state export activity facilitated through the same U.S. port of exit, we find a robust and significant positive effect of locally handled exports on port city employment. The trade effects are similar for exports facilitated by seaports and airports when these are the only available infrastructures, but in cities with both types of ports the local export effects on port-city employment are: 1) non-complementary; 2) notably smaller; and 3) primarily driven by exports facilitated by local seaports.
"Asymmetric Trade Effects in the Presence of Integrated Bilateral Transport Costs: The Importance of Trade Imbalances."
“Trade, Natural Disasters and the Role of Seaport Infrastructure.” (with Gan Qi Tang*).
“International Disaster Spillovers and the Role of Global Value Chains: Evidence from Japan” (with Daijiro Yokota*)
"The Resilience of Air vs. Seaborne Trade: Intermodal differences in the Response to Natural Disasters"
"The Nature of Noise Complainers and Housing Price Effects around MSP: An IV Approach." (w. Zefan Qian*)
Note: * indicates undergraduate student collaborator

© 2018 by Felix L. Friedt

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